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Guolin Technology Group's official website system has been completed


In order to keep up with the pace of development in the digital age, match the strategic positioning of Guolin Technology's brand development, and provide customers with a more comprehensive corporate introduction, business information, and a more friendly browsing experience, Guolin Technology has upgraded and revised the official websites of some subsidiaries, which are now officially launched!

This time, the official websites of each subsidiary have been fully upgraded and revised in terms of website style, architectural layout, business introduction, UI vision, functional services, and interactive experience, showcasing the comprehensive strength of Guolin Technology in multiple dimensions.

With the opening and use of the official websites of each subsidiary, the official website system of Guolin Technology Group has also been basically completed. Through the official website of the group and each subsidiary, users can learn about the latest developments and development directions of Guolin Technology, grasp the product and service information of each subsidiary, and also communicate and communicate online with the group and each subsidiary on the website.

Users can click to enter the official website of each subsidiary through the official website of Guolin Technology-About-Subsidiary

Enterprise website is an important means for enterprises to display brand perception, expand market influence, and improve customer satisfaction. We will do a good job in the construction and maintenance of the website, continuously improve the quality of website operation, and give full play to the advantages of website publicity.




  • Customer Service Center


  • 7×24 year-round service

    2 hours response, 24 hours at the scene.(In China mainland)

  • Active intelligent service

    Complete customer profiles providing proactive services

  • Expert considerate service

    We have long-term cooperation with experts of ozone technology.

  • Upgrade

    Cooperate with client to upgrade relevant equipment in the ozone generation system.
